Video creation background music made easy

video creation

Background music made easy  

   No matter what video or audio equipment you have        one of the challenges that you have is adding   background music to your creation.

Most softwares will allow you to place only one audio track.  If you want to add a voiceover it is difficult.  You could need additional editing and audio equipment and management skills.  

Some tools let you add or insert background music with audio tracks that they already have.

If you want your own music, there could be some issues.

Many will challenge you for copyrights; some will do it even if it is your own music.

You might have to record the voiceover, then the music, then the video.

Then you will have to mix edit them.

Now you can record your voice, background music and the video at the same time, no matter what equipment or tool you are using.

Or you can record your voice and background music at the same time with any of the most frequently used audio or video creators.

E-zvid video creator, windows movie maker, camtasia, camstudio, screen-o-matic, easysketchpro, easyvideomaker, animoto, youtube, vimeo, dailymotion, your webcam, and many other video creators and makers.

The system that I use and is a success:

Play the music track you want along with your voiceover.

Up to where I know a pc, computer or laptop won’t let you play a cd or audio track through it’s internal speakers if you are using it or  a headphone as a microphone. 

That means that you can’t play a music track with the same computer you will be using to record your voice.

You will need your computer to record your voice and another device to play the music track, both will be recorded through your mike.

If you are going to record a powerpoint presentation, or a series of graphs, photos, screenshots or image; you can do it now with ease.

Use your favorite video creation software, like the ones mentioned above.

Have ready your visual presentation: ppt, screenshots, picture or image series, etc.

Have your audio or music track device ready with the music or sound you want as a background.

Have ready your script of whatever you are going to say during the video playback.

Test that the volume is high enough to be heard through the microphone, but not so loud that it will make it hard for your voice to be heard at a comfortable volume.

Remember, this is background music.

Ready, set, go!

Start playing the music.

Start the video creation software.

Start recording your voice.

When you have finished your recording you will have a video with your voiceover and with background music.

You can see how easy it is.

Luis Antonios

One of the easiest devices that I know of to do the above all in one software is easysketchpro.

With the added benefit of being a whiteboard easy to use program.

Take a look of this marvel of easy life marketing at:

Create Video Animations Like A Pro In 5 Minutes!

This way you can create videos with background music and voiceover, upload them to Youtube and other video sharing sites and they could go viral and you will be promoting your business for FREE!


You know that videos are the real money makers.

If you don’t have the time, the knowledge, skills, equipment, spirit to create videos, then use other people’s videos.

Click here or the link below for complete details:


4 Corners Alliance Group

What is 4 Corners Alliance Group?

Can you make money with it?


4 Corners is a money making program that has taken the internet by storm.

And it has solved most of the difficult areas of making money online.

Some of these are:

* Screening out freebie seekers and tirekickers that waste your time and money and never produce anything.

* The high cost of putting into place an online profitable program.

* The continous out-of-pocket spending required and charateristic of most online income producing systems.

* The complexity of setting up a sales funnel to followup with your referrals.

* The need to constantly being recruiting people to your program.

* Doing it alone.  This is a real headache for newbies, people new to online money making programs and home based income earning systems.

* The huge investments many times required in really profitable programs.

How does 4 Corners solve the above problems that most online marketers and home based money making programs have?

Let’s see:

* Screening out freebie seekers:  Freebie seekers are people that constantly “seek free” things.  They join all kinds of free programs.  And they don’t do a thing in the programs.  They keep jumping from one program to the other.  If the program has an upgrade to a better position, they never upgrade.   They expect to get referrals from free sources, most of the time doing nothing.  And they keep waiting for their referrals to upgrade, so that they can make money.   Since almost all of the people in these programs do the same thing, most of them won’t earn any money.   They waste a lot of time in these “free” programs.

They will waste your time, too, and time is money.

* Screening out tirekickers:  Tirekickers are people that does almost the same thing as freebie seekers, but some of them will buy upgrades, products and services.  They do invest.  But all they do is “testing”  each program to see how it works (tirekicking) and doing nothing.   Just because you spend money on a money making program it doesn’t mean that you will make money with it.   You have to take some additional actions.

These people will keep, too, jumping from one program to the other, without giving any of them any opportunity to generate money.   Then they keep whining on how they got into the programs and didn’t make any money, and say that the programs are scams.  Some of them will ask for a refund, if they paid anything, and go on to the next program to do the exact same thing.

They will waste your time and money, too.

> These people are screened out by informing them from the very beginning that they have to invest, even if it is a very small out of pocket fee.  And that they have to take action, even if it is a minimal effort.

* Setting up a money making opportunity is quite expensive.  4 Corners has this already setup for you.  No money spent setting anything up.

* Most money making offers require that you keep buying products from out of your own pocket to keep profitable.  With 4 Corners you pay a very small “ONE TIME” ONLY fee, and the Program does the rest.  You pay ONCE a very small fee and don’t have to take any additional money from out of your pocket.

* Most people won’t join a program the first time they visit a site, they have to receive several messages to join.  This is called “followup” email series.   The program that doesn’t have this followup will fail.  4 Corners has that fixed for you.  You don’t have to mess with this.

* For a program to keep earning income, products have to be constantly being bought.  For this you will have to keep advertising and keep getting people to buy your product or service.  4 Corners has made this simple.  With a forced matrix and with a downline easy building system.   You will only have to signup four (4) people, and help them do the same, and that’s it.  And the means of getting traffic to get those 4 referrals are easily available to you.  As a team, you and your referrals will keep building your Program with residual income.

* Many programs leave you to do things alone.   With 4 Corners forced matrix and action taker system, everybody will be helping everybody else grow their program.   It is in the best interest of all members.

* Most programs require huge investments to keep growing.  With 4 Corners serial level system you just make your one time only very small investment and the system takes care of the rest to grow your home based money making income generator.

Let’s recap:

4 Corners has a great money making opportunity.

It is available for people all over the world, it’s international.

One of the great problems of online money making opportunities is getting buyers.

With 4 Corners this is solved.

You don’t waste your time with freebie seekers and tirekickers that are always whining about things and never take real action.

You receive all you need to startup immediately.

And this is probably the only home based money making program that lets you start with such a low fee.

This is only $18, imagine you can start your own money making system with only $18!

That’s it, you don’t pay one additional cent to this program from your pocket.

Of course, you know that to really be successful online you need to invest some money.

Free programs never really make any money.    Those that get you anything you spend hundreds of hours working it.

They offer you excellent products: Financial Information that are a great resource in these troubled financial times.

To make your life easier, our team promotes 4 Corners through our team building FREE program:

XtremeLifeStyle network.

To get greater details of this excellent opportunity, click the link below and start today your income generating future:

Click the banner below to access information:


Learn how to Thrive

 Yes, you can make money with 4 Corners!

Your Money Making Sales Funnel

Profitable sales funnel

Affiliate funnelYou need a sales funnel to make money online!

And this is where almost all new online marketers fail.

And most intermediate and even some advanced online marketers fail, too.

Now, what is a sales funnel?

This is the process that is built in creating a system where a website or landing page visitor is taken from an ad all the way to buying the product or service being offered.

Because, selling a product or service is where the money is made in any money making program.

If no sales are made, no money is made.

This system includes:

* ad campaign,

* traffic source,

* capture or landing page with hosting,

* autoresponder (web form),

* free giveaway (for list building)

* followup email series,

* thank you or download page,

* website with hosting,

* Customer/member support

* Product and/or service offer

* Dedication to this system or program

This is what all successful online marketers have.

As you can see, creating a sales funnel takes knowledge, money, time, dedication.

If you create your own products and/or services, you will really have to work on it.

If you offer affiliate products and/or services, you will have it easier, but still very challenging, too.

That’s why only a few people make real money online.

The rest become freebie seekers, tirekickers, keep jumping from one program to the other and never make a cent.

If they make any money, sometimes, it doesn’t even cover expenses.

The freebie seekers and tirekickers join all kinds of program, don’t do a thing, just sit waiting for the money to start rolling in.

Some do some work a few days.

When time passes and they don’t see the money “rolling in” they quit the program.

Some of these freebie seekers are real freaks that even participate in forums and blogs accusing the programs of being rip offs, frauds, and scams.

They keep seeking the “shiny object”, one click to overnight riches, the software that does it all, the “NO” work system.

In reality, those “magical” systems don’t exist.   The only people making money from them are their sellers.

And, they are not making money from using those schemes, they are making the money from selling the scheme to “magic pill” seekers.

Online money making requires dedication, and time to get systems to generate money.

And, you need a sales funnel to build a list so that through that list you can make sales.

Even if you are promoting CPA offers you need a sales funnel, or more correctly, a followup system.

People won’t buy or not even join a program even if free, if they are not familiar with the program, it’s promoter or it’s creator.

This usually takes from 5 to 7 contacts for this to happen.   Sometimes it might take months or even years.

That’s why the more messages there are in a followup email sequence the more chances are to make the sale.

Sometimes the system resends emails or messages after certain time spans.

This is a continuous loop, making it everlasting the communications with the subscribers.

It can take years to learn this process in a successful way.

If you have the money you can outsource many, if not all, these tasks.

Online millionaires outsource most, if not all, of the tasks that their programs needs done.

That’s why they can have vacations, and travel worldwide.

There are some programs that offer many of the steps mentioned above already done for you.

These are affiliate programs.

There is one Program that offers everything done for you in software.

Your only task is to send traffic to your affiliate capture page.  And the sales funnel system starts its objectives.

They even offer you a traffic source.

Of course, you can use your own traffic sources.

 It is an excellent system that almost eliminates freebie seekers and tirekickers.

Most freebie seekers and tirekickers waste your time, they check things out, ask a lot of questions, consume a lot of your time, and never do a thing.

Never buy anything, and the most dangerous part is, because they don’t work the system, or do it for a short time, not enough to let the system produce, they call the system a SCAM!

Typical and normal people never succeed online, because they don’t follow through, and keep whining.

To be successful, you need to team up with people that can encourage and motivate you to succeed.

You need a mentor, or a few of them, to guide you and to pick you up when you fall, emotionally, when you hit rocks on your road to online success.

The next time you answer an ad, keep a close look at the sales funnel you will go through.

One of the first things that the sales funnel will do is ask/grab for your email.

If you join the program or buy something you will probably be offered one or more OTO’s (one time offer), or an upgrade.

If you try to leave that page, you will probably be presented with a pop-up suggesting you to stay on the page, if you do, you will probably receive a free offer or a discounted price.

Sometimes the discounts are on the same product or service and other times the discounts are offering you the product or service with less features.

If the offers are subscriptions or products in quantities the discounts could be of fewer products or shorter membership subscriptions.   Usually they are offers of lifetime, one year, six months, one month, and even a 14 or 7 day trial, that could be for $1 or free.

As you can appreciate sales funnels could be from very simple ones, to very sophisticated ones.

You can join the Program we mentioned here and look at its sales funnel.

And you can earn some money and use it as leverage for your other programs.

I do insist that you always do your due diligence and always check out any program you are planning on joining before joining it or buying from it.

Do a Google search with the program’s name followed by the work “scam”.   And always look at least 5 pages of Google’s results.   This is because some scammers are so successful scamming people that they even create “Scam report websites of their own products” then saying that the program isn’t a scam.  And they appear in the first page of Google results (they are SEO experts).

Try the mentioned Program to learn how a successful simple sales funnel works and if you work the Program you will earn money, too.


Luis Antonios

Click now the link to start today:

Affiliate Sales Funnel


Your Success Is Our Priority

Welcome to Your Improvement Site!

Where your Success Is Our Priority!

We strive to help you improve your wholistic life in all aspects

Here you will find information, products and services that will improve your life:
Financially, personal, health, wealth, emotionally, spiritually, professionally, business, culturally, socially, community, and other additional areas.  We strive to help for your success in all of them.

Most of the offers are completely FREE, others have a FREE trial, some have a risk FREE trial, and a few others offer you a risk FREE Guarantee.

We invite you to look at all the offers presented here, you will find one or more that will help you improve one or more areas of your life:


To the best of our knowledge these are legitimate offers.  Of course, we always recommend that you always check out all companies that you do business with on this site and on any other site,  online and offline.


You can get a loan even if you have bad credit

One of the fastest way to get things is by borrowing money to buy them.

And, if you are in an emergency need of money, a loan is your best option.

If you shop around you will find a diversity of types of loans.  Personal loans, mortgages, credit cards, pawnshops, auto loans, etc.  These loans can be approved at different interests.  If you have bad credit, you can still get the loan you need.  You will probably get one with different interest rates. Friends, relatives and neighbors could be sources of  borrowed money, but for some people this could be embarrassing.

There is a type of loan that is fast, easy and usually paperless.  Most don’t have a credit verification requirement. No credit check.  These loans are called payday loans, paycheck loans, cash advance.  They are mostly known as payday loans, because that is what they are usually meant to mean.

You have an emergency need for cash because something unexpected happened in your life and you need the money fast.  Past due bills, utilities bills, student loan past due, auto repair, home repair, medical bills, insufficient funds in your checking account, unexpected illness, etc…

Your nearest bank or financial institution won’t lend you the money, or they are closed at that time that you need the money.  You won’t receive your paycheck until a few days or for the next couple of weeks.  You don’t want to ask for a pay advance to your employer.  The solution to your problem?: A PayDay Loan.

That is, you ask for a loan with the promise that you will pay it back on your next payday.  You could go to a pawnshop, but probably they have specific working hours, you don’t want people to see you going there, or they usually ask for some kind of collateral, like jewelry, tv, or a car, that you don’t have or don’t want to part from.

Some payday lenders have a physical presence in several cities, but most are now offering their services online.  That is a lot of commodity for the borrower.  You can apply online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, in the privacy of your home.  The process is fast, confidential, in secure webpages, nobody has to know about your application.  And these applications are free.

Depending on the payday lender  there are some minimum requirements.  Most have to do with age, income, source of income, time working with your income source.  Since approved loans are deposited directly to your bank account, you will need a bank account, mostly a checking account.  You make payments directly from your bank account, too.

Payday lenders are in the business of helping people with immediate cash needs until their next paycheck, since the loan is for a very short time, interests are higher so that, as is natural and accepted, Lenders can make them affordable.  And since there is no credit requirement and no material collateral these loans are riskier than other forms of loans.

PayDay Lenders usually don’t require credit checks, but they do have income, credit card and check bouncing history checks.  If a borrower has a history of check bouncing or credit card problems, they will probably have to present other documents to be approved for a loan.  This service is usually provided by a third party like Teletrak.  If you have a damaged credit history, and/or have had a bounced check or credit charge back, or only a few in a time span, you could be a good borrower for a payday loan.

Since these are payday loans, lenders expect to be paid on the borrowers next payday.  This includes principal and interests.  If for some reason, the borrower can not pay by his next paycheck, he has to ask for an extension.  But has to pay at least the interests.  Most lenders can give extensions up to a maximum of six (6) months.  Interests only payments can be accepted usually up to three payments, from then on the borrower has to pay principal until the full loan is paid in six months total time.

If you as a borrower can manage wisely your debts, a payday loan could help you.  If a borrower can’t manage wisely his/her debts a Credit Counseling Service agency should be sought.  Your bank can help you to locate your nearest office.

PayDay Loans can help you take a second breath in a cash emergency, but it should not be abused.

Honest and legitimate payday lenders don’t charge for applying for their loans.  The whole process is free: free application and free consultation.   If a lender asks you for an advance fee, before approving your loan, it is probably a scam, fraud or rip off.

Some loan information services will ask for a fee, but they are selling you a list of lenders and information on how you can increase your probabilities of getting a loan.  But they state this before you purchase their information.  They are not lenders, they will send you a list of lenders with contact details and their minimum requirements.  Before you pay you know what you are paying for.  Definitely, don’t pay if the offer is to approve you a loan.  Legitimate lenders don’t ask for fees before a loan is approved.



We have offered you this information on payday loans, but in reality, you should avoid using these services.  Their interests are huge, it could be up to 60% per month!  Their collateral is your checking account.  Most  require that you have direct deposit so that they can withdraw your payments from those deposits.

In our present economy almost everybody is in a financial mess, and getting into a payday loan could get things worst.

If possible stay away from these loans, use it only if you are in an extreme financial “temporary” situation and you know that you can pay it back, interests and capital, with your next pay day check.




Some additional offers that are of your interest:

Do you need a loan of $2,000 or more?

Then you need this source:

Bad Credit Loans and over $2000 loans sources

Need more cash?

Get into a money making business:

Business Wealth

Want to be emotionally strong to survive the present crisis?

Emotional Strength

Want to get into the RealEstate business

wisely or for personal benefit?

Now you can: RealEstate

Want to be paid for your opinions?

Get the highest paid

Want to help a charity?

Give with love without sacrifice: humanwellness

Want to receive and get freebies?

Get them now: Freeoffers

Want to make money easily?

Get resell rights selling e-books

Want to get free electricity without windmills or solar panels?

Get the new electricity saver: Greatoffer

Reduce your debts and even get rid of them.  Go now to:


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All the tools you need to start your home business: FREE!

Go right now to the various posts in this blog.